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  1. Z

    Is 30 miles of range enough?

    My Rav4 gets 42 miles of range, and honestly, it’s fine, and even handles freeway speeds. A Honda scooter isn’t hitting the freeway, but 30 miles should still be plenty to get around and back to a charger. I think...
  2. Z

    Is the U-GO Electric Scooter just an e-bike in disguise?

    I read a post on reddit where someone said, “Wow, this model will fail. It’s an e-bike dressed as a scooter.” I kinda see their point, it seems more like a low-powered e-bike than a real scooter. What do you think? Does it have a chance, or is it doomed from the start?
  3. Z

    Honda unveils U-GO electric scooter

    Honda has introduced the U-GO electric scooter, aiming to offer an affordable and practical option for urban riders. With its sleek design and budget-friendly pricing, it's positioned as a strong competitor to NIU’s electric scooters. It’ll be interesting to see how it performs in real-world...

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