does Honda’s U-GO scooter have enough speed for city traffic?

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Feb 27, 2025
Honda’s U-GO electric scooter is designed as an affordable urban mobility solution but with a 43 km/h (27 mph) top speed is it too slow to be practical?

In cities where traffic moves at higher speeds, the U-GO might feel too underpowered to keep up which could actually make riding more dangerous. In highly congested areas with lower speed limits, it might work just fine as a short-range commuter.

For budget-conscious riders, the U-GO’s affordability and low operating costs could still make it an attractive option, but would you be comfortable riding a scooter that maxes out at 43 km/h? Or do you think Honda should have pushed for a bit more power?
At 27 mph, the U-GO seems too slow for most city streets, especially in places where cars regularly go 35-45 mph. In heavily congested urban areas, it might be fine, but anywhere with faster-moving traffic, it could feel unsafe. Honda should’ve at least pushed it to 35-40 mph to make it more versatile. If you’re mostly riding in bike lanes or slow-moving traffic, it could work, but for anything else? Probably not.
Yeah the U-GO’s affordability and low costs are appealing, but 43 km/h might be a bit slow for urban areas with faster traffic, a bit more power would definitely help.

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